Featured Resident – Hugh Nicolay

Hugh Nicolay is a true Floridian and has always been near the beach. He graduated from high school in Daytona Beach, and a few years later, at 27, made his way down to the Space Coast. He arrived in 1969, where he would start a successful career at Harris, remaining there for 27 years and even introducing several patents while there.

Outside of work, he has a passion for birds and birdwatching. He has been a part of the Audubon Society for many years. The Audubon Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and the protection of birds. In his spare time, Hugh enjoys bird watching and documenting the nesting of birds. He enjoys being a part of the Audubon Society because it allows him to travel all over in search of rare birds. One of his more special trips took him to the Galapagos Islands. 

When he’s not out birdwatching and researching, you can find Hugh on one of many boards. He has participated on boards which range from Code Enforcement, Environmental Advisory Board, HOA Board, Parks and Passes, and Communications Committee. 

Hugh retired early at 55, with the goal to travel the world with his wife. They soon joined the RV community, purchasing their first RV and traveling to all 50 states. This sparked more interest in travel and soon followed their international travels. They did 3 tours of Europe, went to New Zealand, Russia, and more. They currently have another RV trip planned to drive out to Arizona to meet up with some old friends who also belong to the RV community. 

While traveling the world, Hugh still manages to stay connected to the Brevard Community. He is a regular volunteer at the Daily Bread, a non-profit organization that focuses on ending hunger in Brevard. Being an animal lover, he is also a member of the Brevard Humane Society, and he is on the West Melbourne Board of adjustment. 

Living at Buena Vida has given Hugh and his wife the time and energy to keep traveling. Everything that they need, when they are in town, is conveniently located around the Buena Vida grounds, making it easy for them to plan their next trip. Even when they aren’t traveling, they are able to stay active with many of Buena Vida’s wellness programs, as they await their next exciting trip.

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