Featured Resident: Donna


To say Donna lives an active lifestyle would be an understatement. 

After teaching kindergarten and 1st grade Donna retired at 55 years old but that only gave her more time to pursue her passions. On an average day you can find Donna walking around the beautiful grounds of Buena Vida Estates (about an hour and a half daily), enjoying a chair yoga class, getting in her steps for the day by walking around her apartment or planning her next adventure. 

Donna married her husband when she was 20 years old and the two travelled around the world and lived all over the US, thanks in large part to her husband being born in Copenhagen and consistently visiting his family in Europe. Two notable places and times that Donna has experienced are living in New Mexico with her family during WWII as her father worked on the atomic bomb and she and her husband living in Berkeley, CA during the Vietnam War.

Meeting her husband was “a whole new world” of travel. But adopting their daughter after 16 years of marriage was what brought them into the fold of doing mission trips. She’s been to very recent war zones and worked with kids in a bombed school, helping out in Florida after hurricanes and most recently going to Japan in the Spring of 2020. This Japan trip was one full of hard labor on a farm, worrying about the Coronavirus, but also beautiful scenery with the cherry blossoms blooming and joy in being able to help those in need. 

If you are walking around Buena Vida Estates and don’t see Donna working as the librarian or exercising she may be off on another adventure, like to Iceland to walk around glaciers!

Donna certainly lives the Good Life at Buena Vida Estates (and around the world)! 

Buena Vida Estates can offer you a comprehensive CCRC option where you can maintain independent living with an assurance that you will always have the level of care you need without having to move. Contact us today to see what we have to offer!

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