Featured Residents: Beth and Gordon

Beth and Gordon

Looking for a fun pair to get Halloween costume inspiration from? Or maybe partners for chair yoga class? Beth and Gordon are a couple you’ll want to sit down and grab a drink with at happy hour any time. 

Beth and Gordon found Buena Vida Estates in very different ways. Gordon was encouraged to tour because his brother and sister in law had moved in, while Beth saw an ad with someone’s story in it in the local paper. Once they both had moved in, Beth and Gordon were encouraged to attend a get-together at a resident’s home and they started a friendship quickly after meeting. After a few months as friends the pair began dating and have enjoyed fun times together for years. 

Both have backgrounds in the science field, with Beth being a school teacher for 30 years teaching grade school, focusing on technology. Gordon studied history in a program that also had a programming focus. Professionally, Gordon worked for NASA during the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first Americans on the moon as a flight controller, then worked for Lockheed Martin until the end of the Cold War. One of the things that is fun about being on the Space Coast is meeting many other residents who also worked in a similar field, even some working for NASA and on the same missions. 

Beth encouraged Gordon to get out of his comfort zone and dress up in elaborate Halloween costumes with her including matching flapper girl costumes. They also attend chair yoga class and make sure to stay as active as possible. 

Beth and Gordon get to live the Good Life together, and with their families, at Buena Vida Estates!

Buena Vida Estates can offer you a comprehensive CCRC option where you can maintain independent living with an assurance that you will always have the level of care you need without having to move. Contact us today to see what we have to offer!

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