CCRCs Can Help Seniors Stay Active and Healthy

active senior resident playing bocce ballAccording to the CDC, about one in three men and one in two women engage in zero physical activity by the age of 75. However, it is recommended that people 65 and older get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week in order to stay active and healthy.

Luckily, continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs or life plan communities) can help keep their senior residents active. 

What Makes Seniors Shy Away from Physical Activity?

Only 43% of people between the ages of 65 to 74 years old meet the CDC’s recommendations for physical activity. This is due to a number of factors:


  • Low Awareness: Most seniors are unaware of how much physical activity they should engage in daily.
  • Lack of Knowledge: Many seniors don’t know which types of exercises they should be doing, especially if they have existing health issues.
  • Personal Preference: Not everyone likes working out – it’s essential for seniors to find activities that they both enjoy and help keep them active. 
  • Physical Ability: While certain seniors might be limited by their mobility or chronic health issues, it’s important to view these as reasons for them to actually be more active (to prevent further decline).

How CCRCs Can Keep Residents Moving

The good news is that senior living communities (especially CCRCs) can help seniors overcome most of these obstacles.

Most CCRCs offer a variety of health and wellness programs for their residents, including group exercise classes, pools, and even sports. Their campuses are also usually designed to be walkable, with plenty of sidewalks and walking paths to help keep residents moving. 

The Perks of Staying Active and Healthy Over 65

The health benefits of staying active are undeniable. Regular physical activity helps seniors:

  • Maintain the ability to live independently
  • Lower the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes
  • Reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and fosters improvements in mood and feelings of well-being
  • Maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints

Here at Buena Vida Estates, we offer plenty of activities and programs to help keep our residents healthy and active. There is bound to be something for everyone!

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