The Role of Pets in CCRC Living

When considering moving into a CCRC, it's essential to account for all aspects of your lifestyle, including the furry companions who bring so much joy and comfort. Thankfully, many CCRCs understand the profound positive impact that pets have on residents' well-being and have embraced the idea of pet-friendly living.

2023-11-13T14:41:13+00:00November 27th, 2023|Blog Post|

What Exactly is an Active Adult Community?

Many senior living and retirement communities tout themselves as “active adult communities,” but what does that really mean? Is it an actual category of senior living? What sets an active adult community apart from other types of age-restricted senior living?

2023-09-06T15:34:01+00:00September 11th, 2023|Blog Post|

Location and Accessibility: Factors to Consider When Choosing a CCRC

Location and accessibility are two important factors to consider when choosing a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). The location of a CCRC can significantly impact your overall living experience and how well it aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. Let's explore why location and accessibility matter and how they can enhance your retirement years. Proximity [...]

2023-08-30T14:10:06+00:00August 7th, 2023|Blog Post|
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