Buena Vida residents honor Commander William Foster and all Veterans through flag raising ceremony. (video)

The American Spirit is alive and well here at Buena Vida Estates! Hundreds of veterans call Buena Vida home and we are so thankful for their service and for choosing to live the Good Life™ with us. Their stories of patriotism, courage and dedication are an integral component of the fabric that makes up our diverse community. We feel incredibly grateful to have such heroic men and women here at Buena Vida – the Goodlife™ would not be possible without their brave service.

One way we honor our Veterans is through flag raising. On June 22, 2018, Lorraine Foster raised Commander William Fosters flag at Buena Vida Estates to honor deceased Veterans at Buena Vida Estates. Commander William Foster would have celebrated his 100th birthday this year. His wife and friends gathered to celebrate his life and honor his service by raising his flag outside Buena Vida. Those who attended dressed in vibrant patriotic colors, showing their love of country and gratitude for Commander Foster’s heroic service.

At Buena Vida, we are continually searching for new ways to honor our Veterans. We realize what a blessing it is to have them in our community and desire to ensure that they feel loved, valued and respected always. Flag raisings are a wonderful way to show honor and bring friends and family together. We are thankful for Commander Williams and his dedication to serving our country- and grateful to his wife Lorraine for sharing a ceremony as special as a flag raising with us.

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