
Featured Resident – Hugh Nicolay

Hugh Nicolay is a true Floridian and has always been near the beach. He graduated from high school in Daytona Beach, and a few years later, at 27, made his way down to the Space Coast. He arrived in [...]

August 19th, 2019|

Featured Resident – Cynthia Connor

A life of adventure is what Cynthia Connor always wanted. And that’s what she’s had. Cynthia was born in New England but raised in a suburb of Chicago. After high school she couldn’t wait to stretch her wings and fly, [...]

April 9th, 2019|

Featured Resident – David Vogeding

Buena Vida resident David was born in 1942 in West Union, West Virginia – a small town by most standards. As of the latest census West Union had 825 residents. His father started the First Cinema Show theater in the [...]

March 1st, 2019|

Featured Resident – Ruby Baker

Born south of Nashville in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee – walking horse area, as she described it – Ruby Baker tells of a life where her father doted on her, where Southern women were catered to, and where her mother never learned [...]

February 13th, 2019|

Buena Vida Celebrates the Holidays

The holidays are a very special time of year, and the same can be said of holidays at Buena Vida. There are decorated trees all over the community and parties to bring everyone together. Recently, residents were treated to carriage [...]

December 20th, 2018|
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