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So far Marina has created 69 blog entries.

Deciding on a Move to a CCRC (Continuing Care Retirement Community)

Moving to a retirement community is a financial decision that some people truly agonize about. While there are many life decisions we make that are also major financial commitments – like deciding to have children or moving to different parts of the globe – people don’t seem to worry about them quite as much as they do the decision to move to a CCRC.

2024-04-03T14:49:38+00:00April 8th, 2024|Blog Post|

The Benefits of CCRC Living for Soloagers: A Vibrant Community for Independent Living

For soloagers – individuals navigating their retirement years without a spouse or partner – a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) offers a number of benefits and opportunities for a vibrant independent living experience. At Buena Vida Estates, we recognize the unique needs and preferences of soloagers and are committed to providing a supportive environment where [...]

2024-03-11T13:04:56+00:00March 11th, 2024|Blog Post|

Navigating Your First Senior Living Decision

Making a senior living decision is a significant milestone, one that requires thoughtful consideration and a vision for the future. For many individuals, the initial choice often revolves around staying in their current home versus embracing the possibilities of a move during their retirement years. In this blog post, we'll explore the advantages of both [...]

2023-12-20T15:58:59+00:00January 8th, 2024|Blog Post|

Discussing Senior Living Plans with Your Adult Children: Bridging the Generation Gap with Understanding

Initiating "the talk" about senior living can be a sensitive topic for adult children and their parents. Whether it's the adult children broaching the subject or parents expressing their senior living plans, effective communication is key. Let's explore strategies for overcoming objections and fostering understanding, ensuring a smooth transition for everyone involved.

2023-12-18T13:54:29+00:00December 20th, 2023|Blog Post|

The Role of Pets in CCRC Living

When considering moving into a CCRC, it's essential to account for all aspects of your lifestyle, including the furry companions who bring so much joy and comfort. Thankfully, many CCRCs understand the profound positive impact that pets have on residents' well-being and have embraced the idea of pet-friendly living.

2023-11-13T14:41:13+00:00November 27th, 2023|Blog Post|
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